Thursday, December 22, 2016

My Intentions

My Intetntions for 2017 is to actually persuade my goals and get through them. I feel that is a real problem for me because I set goals but I sometimes don't go all the way through like I want to. For example, I like basketball and I want to better at it. I set goals like practice at this chain time and practice free throws or lay ups, but over time I stop getting into the habit of doing it over and over to get better. I think something that can help me get better at perusing my goals is a chart of of goals that I wanna persue. Therefore, this is what I want to work on in 2017.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Racism needs to go!!

If the constitution says that all men are created equal, why are people still suffering and being disrespected for their race? No one wants to be treated like they don't belong because of their skin color. Even kids get pushed and bullied because of their skin color in school. And adults are being disrespected. Why do people in America or in any country has to go through this. We are all humans and we deserve the respect and kindness we need.
Racism is "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races". Racism is a global issue that can happen to anyone. This is an issue because people are getting mistreated by people who think their race is better then someone else's.  Racism includes equality, en example is when Rosa Parks had to move out her seat because of her race. Many people die for their race. It's important that we address this issue so that we help others such as stick up for them when someone is being racist. Doing something little such as that can do so much for the other person.
White Europeans took people as slaves. Slaves usually did outdoor chores in all types weather. They worked long hours with barely any breaks. White Europeans thought that they were superior to African Americans. Africans Americans such as Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman and more black people who fought to get their have their equality and their rights. African Americans finally got their rights back with the help of Martin Luther King Jr. But just because we African Americans fought and died for out rights and equality, there are still racism and negativity towards black people. Not all people feel this way about about African Americans, but there are still lots of people that do. This is a big issue because no just black people, but other races such as Muslim and Mexican people are getting disrespected because of their race and the color of their skin and it is not fair.
Therefore, racism is a ongoing issue around the world that needs to be taken care of. How would you like it if someone called you bad names. We need to be careful with our words so that it doesn't hurt other people.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The best gift ever!🎁

It was 2 years ago on Christmas, when I got my first Nintendo 3ds. For Christmas that year, I mostly asked for money and cute clothes, because I didn't really know what else I wanted. So on Christmas Day at my grandma's house, I got $190, some outfits, a new dork diaries book and I also got a fluffy chair for my room. My brother got toys but he also got a 3ds xl. When I saw him open the box I got really jealous because I wanted one too. I wanted one because my best friend had a 3ds xl too and every time I went over her house she would let me play with her 3ds xl and we would take turns playing it. So I always wanted a 3ds xl because I thought it was really cool and fun. My parents explained to me that they didn't get me one too because they didn't think that I would play with it. So when I told them that I wanted one too, they supported me and we went to get one from GameStop. I spent my $190 on my 3ds xl and I had $left so I used $20 to buy new games. I was so happy that I got it. My parents even suggested that I should buy a screen protector for it. When we got back home I played on it all day. I actually still have and I play on it when I'm bored honestly but I still love it and I'm still happy that I got it, because it was really the best gift ever!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

My favorite quote is
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you!
This is my favorite quote because to me it means that there is no one else like you, and you can only be you. This means a lot to me because I think everyone should read this quote because lots of people try to be like someone else, or they want to be someone else, but they should be themselves.